Why Classical Political Parties are Dying

I'm white, and I own guns, so that means I'm a conservative republican, right? NO.
I don't really subscribe to any one particular political ideology. If I did have to label myself, it would be as an anarchist, or an anarcho-capitalist. Say what? What is that? What does that even mean?
Well, what it means, is that I believe in the concept of self rule, and that all interpersonal interactions should be voluntary, and mutually beneficial. Now that covers a lot of ground, and I'm not going to get into the finer details of it all in this post, but you've got some good concepts to google if you're interested. My reason for bringing it up is to show one way that none of the current political parties actually represents my beliefs, and I'm not alone. In fact, it's quite possible that you're just like me, but haven't realized it yet. And by just like me, I don't mean an Anarcho-capitalist, I mean disenfranchised, and unrepresented by the current choices of political parties.
For example, if you've studied your history, and some economics, you know that communism doesn't work. It might seem like it is for a little while, but it's a killer for the middle class, and once the middle class is gone, everything falls apart, or worse tyrannical fascism takes over. Which means that you can't, in good conscience and aware thinking, support the democrat party, the green party, or any branch of the socialist party.
Now you're probably thinking "Okay, but I support protecting the environment". You want an end to the ecological disasters that are created by leaky pipelines, and dangerous fracking. You worry about your carbon footprint. You recycle, eat organic, and shop at the cruelty free, free trade market place. Which means you can't go with the republican party either.
So now you're probably saying "Well, what about the libertarian party?" Well, for a lot of people, they are indeed a good match. But let's be honest, if you're smart and educated enough to know that communism is a bad idea, and that socialism is just communism by another name, as even the founder of communism will tell you. And your conscious and aware enough to be concerned about the environment, then you probably realize that there is no such thing as a group of people that is truly free of corruption. And even if that's not your concern, there's probably a half dozen different things that the libertarian party stands for that you disagree with.
The point of all of this, is that you're a human being, not a robot. You and your world views and belief system have all been shaped and molded by your world experience. Your parents, your teachers, your friends, every single person that you've ever interacted with, has in some small way, or maybe a not so small way, influenced who you are as a person. Which means that you didn't come from a cookie cutter, and you don't fit into any mold. You are a unique being, with a unique way of see things. And that means, if you're honest with yourself, you none of the political options being offered to you are satisfying. You want a mix of different things that you can't get out of any single political party. And every election you find yourself having to prioritize what's most important to you, is gay rights more important than national security? Do I care more about a healthy environment than I do about a stable economy? Do I care more about having freedom, or being safe and cared for? Or maybe you're just tired of having people trying to regulate every facet of your life.
People often criticize the system, and most of the time they're at least partially right. But what if the real truth, the core of the problem, is that government is a rigid system that's trying to control human behavior that is much more like a liquid. What if the issue is that none of the current parties, actually represent anyone? What if people just want to be treated like the adults, and sovereign beings that they are, and be left alone to make their own choices? Maybe that's why nearly half the country didn't even vote in the most controversial election we've ever had.
I hope this election, if nothing else legitimizes a third party