Yes, Trump being elected has already gotten dangerous, but it's not in the way they thought. Already there are young people, mainly of the LGBT community, committing suicide due to being ill informed. I didn't say not informed. I said ILL informed. The fear democrats are driving into people is sickening. People are posting threats to one another, and it's not coming from Trump supporters. Not on the large scale seen coming from the left. This is the reaction to the results of the 2016 election of those who voted against Trump. This is the face of the youth of America. The very reason Trump won. They snivel needless whimpers claiming anybody who is not white, straight, or Christian should be fearing for their lives. The beauty of the left's trickery means they can almost get away with murder, because to criticize these "protesters" makes you ignorant and racist.
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Why the public outcry? Why all this incredible backlash? Is this to be expected for the next four years? What do you think our new king ruler God in command Trump is going to do about it? Is burning the American flag safe for the environment? Is it green to be burning fibers of plastic fabric? The fact is that it is legal to set fire to Old Glory, the Red, White and Blue, the piece of cloth that we have all been raised to appreciate, as all nations worldwide do in their countries. Arguably to some, it doesn't represent country as much as it represents government. So, when you burn it you're expressing anger or indifference toward your government. Not everyone would agree. It pisses off people who fly it from their homes on the daily. Regardless of your stance, burning it is a statement, which does nothing but offend those who defend it and that is a debate to be duked out between those claiming to be patriotic and those claiming otherwise, but it should never be justifiable to set fire to someone's business, their place of employment and honest hard work. It should never be admissible to set fire to one's means to support themselves and family, or home. I was asked by a friend why I might be supporting Trump being that I am libertarian standing on the fence of anarchism. What does legality and illegal activity mean to a person who entertains ideas of anti-establishment and anarchy? I replied that I was bewildered by the current political climate. I argued things aren't going to change much, but that it was too early to tell.
So far, Trump has promised to repeal Obamacare, but in actuality is only modifying it. I am hopeful about our foreign affairs. Trump is not even president yet, but there is already talk about peace with Russia and Syria. Planned Parenthood lost some funding, but it's still up and running. Nobody's forcing you to have a funeral for your unwanted unborn child, but that might be the right thing to do, you heartless fucks. Of course, it's too early to say. Most likely, he'll pull a 180, but I'm open to the idea that he won't. There is a right and wrong way, folks. I will compile a list of the DO's and DON'Ts of protesting in a future post. Now is not the time to avoid relationships and politics due to corruption. It's time to reject this notion that conflicting point of views cannot exist.
Being afraid only mistakenly gives Donald more power than he actually has. You're just fear stricken because of your intense offensiveness, your lack of reliable news sources. and your very own beliefs. These protests that are actually riots are pure and utter cognitive dissonance. You seem to think Trump is (your favorite tyrant) Hitler. Except he knows sending Jews and gays to their death is bad for business. There are immigration laws in this country, as well as Canada and Mexico and the rest of the world. He wants to deport illegal immigrants. It's not said often, but your Deporter in Chief, Obama, has sent about 2.5 million people back to their home countries. Trump's making promises of change, offers of peace, and making plans to do what all presidents have ever done: give speeches, talks, signatures, and fluff to be analyzed when the time comes.

Keep in mind about the real people running the show. The Republican House and Senate, Congress, and above them, the super rich like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, and otherwise. You're forgetting the real power is in the people. It's in the choices we make in what we buy, what we sell. Supply and demand. It's in the books we don't read. Not in the newspaper. They seem to be testing us to see who is actually paying attention. I hope you've had a good cry now continue the good fight for knowledge and freedom. You might come to find that you have more in common with your opposition than you think. I use tumblr, too. Understand that you live in a democracy and will continue living under mob rule unless you and the rest of us want to change that. Google voluntaryism. The radical idea of self-governing.
JZiggen can be reached by email.. jmtimper@gmail.com
Power to the people
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