First of all, I can fuck whoever I want however I want, but if I'm going to do it, you best believe I'll be safe about it. Depending! Because you don't need birth control and contraceptive pleasuring or being pleasured by someone of the same sex. I'm talking about pregnancies. Obviously, STD's run rampant in both the straight and gay communities. It's nobody's business, but your own, not the neighbors or the government. So, don't expect the neighbors or government to pay for your needs, because everything you got from the government came from your neighbors. I'm having a hard time trying to live, breathe and think peacefully. I know I'm not alone. Too much clash! All these opinions and beliefs and ideas colliding and crashing and the problem is that people who get sculpted one way to fit the norm, the majority can't handle the few different views that come every so often. So, their main objective is to crush and conquer and try to push these individuals to think the same. If someone who is straight, gay, bi-sexual, trans, etc wants to have a baby or doesn't want to have a baby, one must still take the proper precautions. Once you say that, the offended pro-choice person will always attempt to end the argument with RAPE. Fine! Have an abortion then! If you're even still alive. Most people tend to forget about Plan B pills. If you managed to kick your rapist in the face and mace him (or if you're packing heat this wouldn't even happen and I know you probably just rolled your eyes and you'll digress now into a gun control argument and say the gun could be turned on you or what if the rapist/criminal has a gun....hey there are no guarantees in life except death and taxes. You having a gun versus someone else having one gives you some better odds in not getting raped or killed, but that's just me, and other like-minded folk...) YOU would then check yourself into the hospital and they should offer the Plan B pills. Hospital emergency departments must offer emergency contraception, medically and factually accurate information to female sexual assault survivors whether or not they have filed a police report or completed a rape examination kit. If you had a one night stand and you're unsure if you were safe, go to a pharmacy. Put on your big girl pants.
Secondly, I'm not necessarily and strictly pro-life. But I believe people who fight endlessly saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with abortion at all are wrong. I posted a video of possibly either an aborted fetus or a miscarriage thinking I was going to get shit from pro-life people, but all I got was harassment from pro-choicers, which would be fine if it was just logical debate and not an emotional tantrum. Obviously, women who have done the deed don't want to feel bad about the choice that they have made, so if there is anyone even thinking about possibly opposing their beliefs, questioning any of their reasoning in the slightest, the response can get pretty vicious. The pro-choicers argue that pro-lifers are nothing but pro-birth people. That when they fight hard for a baby to be born, they don't care what happens after. Orphaned, abused, neglected, etc. While pro-lifers say pro-choicers are pro-murder. That millions of babies never get born each year calling for human genocide.

So, what's the right answer? Is there even an answer? What is the question? Is this a question about morality? What is moral? Giving birth to unwanted babies, ending up in a dumpster or eliminating them before (sometimes after) they're babies? I just don't know! They probably feel I should just stay out of it and keep to my queer self. Is sterilization the answer? Need to get our humans spayed? Is licensing the answer? If you're caught not having a license for your child, do you get fined thoroughly or locked up?
if asking questions means I'm crazy, I'll roll with it