It's funny how this whole design to make this man 'stay in his place' has completely exposed the institutional bias that has and still exists here, and the moves that get made to keep people suppressed from exercising their human right(fuck a constitutional one) to speak up against injustice.
And to the people (like Stephen A Smith) who want to try to tear down what he knelt for, he has done more to force the conversation about our fight against deadly policing, institutional racism and for equality than any modern figure off the top of anyone's head. Those other people would rather try to placate and work with those whose entire design is to keep them subjugated and lesser than.
This strategy was effective, no matter what folks may say and he put his career on the line as equity, and also put his money and charity where his mouth is, something that NONE of these other people have done.
I hope that people will give some kind of symbol of salute to him, here's mine#salutetoyouColin