Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Sky Is Falling, and it must

Man, when you think about it, folks living with racial dissonance must be experiencing some form of psychological mpd inner conflict struggle these days (lol, but seriously, tho)

I mean, think about it....all of the conditioning and subconscious brainwashing passed down, creating this prism world, and now seeing constant cracks in the glass, glass that they never understood even existed, showing them that their world wasn't real, seeing that the complete shattering is coming...that must be heavy to deal with....

The understanding that they were not the chosen ones, they were just handed something that never belonged to them, or any one group of people....That yes, there has been a long running, grand design of classism that was borne of a foundation of racial superiority created by ancestors that figured out a design of artificial social dominance, perfected and passed down from generation to generation, like a dna inheritance, to the point where now science is proving the existence of genetic psychological bequeathments(I freestyled this word lol), one of superiority and one of inferiority(don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself).

The conditioning is to the point now where folks justify complete genocide to support their subconscious superiority complex, by victim blaming the ones wiped out......

"They were killing each other before we got there", "They had no system of law, so we gave them one", "They weren't even utilizing their land to it's potential", "We taught them to live in a civilized society", "So many of US fought for THEIR rights, to live as WE live" etc, etc, and so on.....any of these ring any bells?

Their logic dictates that it makes more sense that billions of people over hundreds of years have been sharing the same delusion of victimization that doesn't really exist, or is woefully exaggerated, even in the face of historical evidence, from the very people, on both sides, via documents, personal diaries, photographs, old advertisements, ledgers of sales and other business dealings, confessions, etc.....

And yet, the dissonance does not capitulate, no sir......What we're witnessing is that dissonance's last gasp before it suffocates.....and we have to allow it to happen and watch it happen as a collective, even push for it to happen, so that everyone can get what was always meant....a true system of equity for "All Lives"(you know, the ones that matter)......